5 things you can't forget to do after he proposes


Insure the ring

Hopefully (hopefully!) your man will have done this already but if he hasnt then it is INCREDIBLY important to get our ring insured. It’s quick and easy to do..so there’s no excuse!

Get two ring holders

There are two times when you will take off your engagement ring each day. 1) When you go to bed (after all you don’t want a big diamond shaped mark on your cheek after a night’s sleep) and 2) when you do the washing up (ah yes, the glamour!) The solutions – make sure you have two ring holders: one by the sink and the other by your bed. That way you never need worry about losing it.

Tell your family and close friends before you post on social media

Updating your facebook status is exciting (there’s no denying it) but make sure you don’t do it before he’s even had the chance to get up off one knee. Tell your close friends and family  first BEFORE you change your relationship status – people can feel very hurt if they haven’t been told in person.

Have an engagement party

It’s the only time in your life when you get to have an engagement party – so make sure you do it! So many of my friends decided not to celebrate their proposal, and then regretted it years later. Having a chance to celebrate your upcoming wedding (and your new fiancée!) is really special – I look back on my engagement party so fondly – it really marked the beginning of ‘the engagement year (and its a great excise to drink champagne!)

Write it down

This is a personal piece of advice that I wish I had done when I got engaged. As I was so caught up in the moment I went into a daze and couldn’t really focus on what Patrick, my now husband,  was saying. It was only afterwards, when I had calmed down and said yes, that I asked him to tell me (again!) how he asked me to marry him. It sounds silly, but I wish I had written it down. Its such a special memory and you will be surprised how quickly you can forget all the really sweet things he said.

Hope this helps! And don’t forget ,if your man hasn’t proposed yet, then send him in our direction. We help plan amazing and spectacular marriage proposals, so we are guaranteed to give you (and him) the proposal of your dreams!

Tiffany x

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