5 Tips For The Perfect Proposal Speech

groom photo

Getting the proposal speech right can be one of the most nerve wrecking things for Grooms-to-be, which is why our expert Proposal and Romance Planners are here to make sure you GET IT RIGHT (After all, you’re only doing this once right?)

Here are our top tips on making your proposal speech something that will go down in history  and be one of the most romantic events of your life.

1. Count the ways…literally

Every woman wants to hear the reasons you love her, so what better time to do it than by counting the ways. Why not tell her exactly what you love about her – from the way she dresses to the fact she has hour long baths and uses all the hot water!

2. Don’t write a script

There’s nothing less romantic than getting out a piece of paper and reading your proposal speech off it. Why not just speak from the heart? You must know the reasons you want to marry her, so just tell her.

3. Keep it short and gorgeous.

Ask most women who have been proposed to and they are likely to tell you that they don’t remember much of their man’s proposal speech because they were so overwhelmed by the fact IT WAS HAPPENING! With this in mind, keep your speech short and romantic.


4. Don’t worry if you stumble.

This is an important moment in your life too so you’re going to be nervous. Which is why stumbling over your words is something that is bound to happen. But believe me, she will probably love you even more for it.

5. Tell her about the moment you knew she was the one you wanted to marry.

Perhaps you realised it the day the looked after you when you had flu, or maybe it was the time you saw her look after her friends kids and you realised what an amazing mother she is going to be. Tell her about that exact moment. There is nothing more romantic than being let into that little secret of when you knew you wanted to marry her.

6. Do something different.

If you really aren’t the speech giving type then keep it simple by getting down on one knee and just saying ‘will you marry me?’ After the proposal you can then present her with a list of ‘reasons why I love you’ that she can keep forever. We can help you put something romantic together and make it look gorgeous. Believe us, women love keepsakes, and having something to remind her of the proposal is incredible romantic (you can show your kids in years to come!)

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