How to hide your engagement ring

You’ve come up with a romantic and unique proposal idea (with our help of course) and now the day has come to get down on one knee. But how do you hide the engagement ring so your partner doesn’t clock on to what’s about to happen?

As Proposal Planners we often get asked advice on what to do with the ring. What if she spots it in my pocket? What if I hide it somewhere and someone finds it? Thankfully, with years of experience arranging engagements, we have just the solution (or 4!)

Ring stash

This nifty little gadget is a must have for all groom to be’s! super slim engagement ring box. It’s a super slim engagement box that can fit into your pocket without the bulkiness of a normal engagement ring box. Check out the video below to see exactly how it works!

Take it out of the box and put it in your pocket

Sounds obvious but this really is a good option. Women honestly trust us) don’t care about the engagement ring box – they are far more interested in the fact you are down on one knee and offering to spend the rest of your life with them. So remove the stress of her spotting the negagement ring box, by removing the box completely.

round diamond

Have it bought out to you

There are lots of original ways you can have the ring bought out to you so that she doesn’t spot it at the wrong moment. We’ve all seen those cute photos of couple’s pets with the ring around their collar (Warning – only do this if you have someone to bodyguard the animal so that it doesn’t run off!).


Hide it at your proposal spot

Again, this option  should be approached with caution unless you have someone to guard the ring. That’s where we come in. At many of the marriage proposals we have planned, we are often left looking after the ring which has been placed at a certain location. We once hid a ring amongst cupcakes, we’ve had the ring nestled amongst thousands of rose petals and we have even had the ring attached to the sail of a sailing boat (Don’t ask! That was a nerve wrecking one!) The good thing is, if you hire a Proposal Planner then you know that the ring is in safe hands. If you want to hide is somewhere special so that you can reveal it at the last moment, then we will be on hand to guard that special spot until the time comes.


If you need any advice on engagement rings or marriage proposal ideas then please get in touch with us. We are Engagement Experts and can advise on anything and everything proposal related. We can also help plan an extraordinary proposal which will leave your partner speechless.


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