The Ultimate Guide To Proposing With Fireworks

If your fiancé-to-be likes surprises, and you just know the answer will be “yes,” then a bespoke fireworks program is a fantastic way to propose.

Fireworks are a stunning addition to any proposal. Just imagine getting down on one knee, proposing under a starlit sky, and hearing the word “yes” as the sky erupts into colour and sound. Sounds incredibly romantic, doesn’t it? Well, before you fall in love with the idea, here are the essential steps for planning a fireworks marriage proposal.

Legal: Before you get carried away with the idea of using fireworks to propose, you need to know what restrictions are in place that may impact your plans.

Even for private use, fireworks, including sparklers, can only be bought from registered sellers and only at certain times of the year. It is also against the law to set off fireworks between 11pm and 7am. This curfew can be extended until 1am, but only for specific occasions, including Bonfire Night, New Year’s Eve and Diwali.

While some restrictions apply across the UK, there may also be localised restrictions and additional permits required, particularly near historic or protected buildings. It is essential to find out what is and isn’t possible, but if you are booked in with the One Romance, then rest assured we arrange all of this for you.

Budget: Do you have enough budget for fireworks? Fireworks can be breathtaking, but they can also be expensive. Being realistic about your budget is essential, and if it’s important to you, plan for it. We offer a wide range of proposal options to suit various tastes and budgets, so without a custom firework display, it will still be spectacular.

Location: A good fireworks launch site should also be easily accessible. You need a place where you can see the show and easy entry and exit pathways for the pyrotechnicians’ equipment. Our couples have been able to relax, watching their breathtaking firework displays from the comfort of candlelit pagodas, private boats and balconies. We keep you safe while making sure you always have the best view.

Time: Fireworks are undoubtedly best viewed at night. This is more easily achieved in the cooler seasons when the sun sets much earlier. With long summer days, it is still possible to have fireworks before the 11pm curfew, but your proposal will need to be much later in the evening. Of course, getting the timing right for your fireworks requires more than simply obeying legal restrictions. In a proposal, timing is everything. Declaring your love and asking the all-important question, “will you marry me?” is a moment to be savoured, never rushed. You don’t want your fireworks to go off too soon and spoil your surprise. On the night, our experienced team ensures it all runs smoothly, so all you have to think about is what to say to the one you love.

Hire professionals: The bottom line is that this is a once in a lifetime experience, which means it’s crucial that you get it right. A professional company will give you peace of mind that the display’s safety and quality are paramount to your proposal experience. An experienced professional pyrotechnic company will also be able to work with you to design and choreograph your unique firework display, making it a truly once in a lifetime moment to share with your partner.

Fireworks are one of many options. When it comes to proposing, there are so many ways you could do it. And if fireworks aren’t for you or simply aren’t in your budget, then our talented team can come up with something that is.

If you want to surprise your loved one with fireworks or have something else in mind for your marriage proposal, get in touch with us today.



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