7 Genius Places to Hide an Engagement Ring

You did your homework and, after much research and deliberation, you splashed out on a picture perfect  ring for the one. But just when you thought all of your hard work was done, a horrible feeling strikes: where to you hide the engagement ring?!

There’s no doubt about it, the struggle to find the ultimate hiding spot is real, particularly if she suspects a proposal might be on the cards. So here at The One Romance, we have come up with 5 genius places to hide the engagement ring so you can keep it a secret until the right time comes.


1.Where to hide an engagement ring: High Up

This is always a safe bet for hiding the ring particularly if your girlfriend is of the vertically challenged variety! Think of places that might be out of reach for her, perhaps in a top box, above cabinets or even in the ceiling.


2. Where to hide an engagement ring: In a Supplement Bottle

If you take supplements, this could be a great hiding place for an engagement ring. Let’s face it she has no need to touch this stuff, let alone open the bottle and look inside.


 3. Where to hide an engagement ring: Sports Bag

Unless she’s the kind of girl who rifles through your kit to pick out your laundry (in which case she deserves a medal as well as an engagement ring!), then she has no reason to venture anywhere near that stinking sports bag of yours, so this could be an ideal hiding place.



4. Where to hide the engagement ring: With a Friend or Family Member

If you live together and want to find a safe place elsewhere, then look no further than a trustworthy friend or a close family member. Just ensure they let you know where they are squirrelling it away. The last thing you need before you pop the question is a lost engagement ring!


5.Where to hide the engagement ring: At the Bank

If you have quite the Sherlock Holmes on your hands, then why not consider the bank for the ultimate hiding place? Not only does it mean she won’t find the ring, but it also means you won’t lose it either – bonus!


6. Where to hide the Engagement Ring: in a secret little box

where to hide an engagement ring

If you haven’t heard of Ring Stash yet then more fool you!  This handy little engagement ring box, fold up so that it can be discreetly hidden anywhere and doesn’t resemble an engagement ring box at all. Genius!

7. Where to hide an engagement ring: In your sock


No girl in their right mind would go near your sock drawer, so find an old paid of socks, roll them up into a ball and put the engagement ring inside. Just make sure (100%) that she isn’t the type to suddenly want to do a spring clean and put all your socks in the washing machine – that could be a disaster!

So there you have it, 7 genius places to hide an engagement ring. You are welcome! For any further advice or for ideas on how to propose (now you’ve figured out where to pop the ring that is!), then get in touch with us. Email info@theoneromance.com.

Lucy, The One Romance



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