Here at The One Romance we love creating WORLD’S FIRST marriage proposal. Only a few months ago we planned the world’s first Pinterest Proposal and just last weekend we planned the world’s first interactive marriage proposal and a live marriage proposal on periscope!
Interactive? We hear you ask. What does that mean? Let’s explain…
Our Founder and Proposal Planner Tiffany is is also a ‘Romance Expert’ and is often called upon by TV shows and national newspapers to talk about all things Romance and proposal related. She has appeared on Sky News, Loose Women, ITV and is due to be doing something fabulous with Channel 4 soon too (more on that later!)
So, a few weeks ago she was contacted by Monkey Kingdom (a top and very well known production company who film the likes of ‘Made in Chelsea’) and was asked to present and plan an ‘interactive proposal’ on the new ‘app of the moment’ periscope!

For those of you who don’t know what periscope is here’s a quick low down. Periscope is an app that allows you to broadcast shows LIVE. Yup, simply get an account, press ‘the broadcast’ button and you could be streaming yourself live of millions of viewers (You can follow Tiffany on )

Periscope have recently launched #periscopeWeek and Tiffany (along with other stars such as Jamie Laing from Made in Chelsea and Jessica from TOWIE) was asked to plan a LIVE MARRIAGE PROPOSAL which was viewed by over 4 million people!
Tiffany teamed up with presenter Alex Pettitt (who interviews celebs on the red carpet) to pull off this world’s first proposal. So what was so unique about this proposal? Viewers could influence HOW THE PROPOSAL WENT. So for example, viewers voted on what outfit the groom should be wore and how he should propose!

So what happened with the proposal: John, had told his girlfriend that he had entered a competition to design a new restaurants logo, and as a result they had won a spa day and a free meal in the restaurant. Whilst his girlfriend got papered at the spa, John was secretly filming the set up to the proposal an chatting to millions of viewers LIVE about how he was feeling.
In the meantime our Proposal Planners Tiffany and Iva, were bust rehearsing a 50 person strong choir who would be delivering the ultimate flashmob surprise once John had got down on one knee!

As Johns gorgeous wife to be arrived at the restaurant she was told that they had a very special table in the corner of the room. We had decorated this with thousands of rose petals and there was a huge marry me sign! We also added something very special – a star! Sadly Emma’s brother passed away last year but John told us that her family had had a star named after him. We wanted her brother to be looking down on her during her proposal so we made sure we had a huge star at the centre of the proposal scene.
As soon as John led Emma to the proposal spot the ultimate surprise was yet to come – as he got down onto one knee, the entire restaurant burst into song!

We will be posting the full proposal video up soon for you to all enjoy!

Do if you fancy letting Tiffany and The One Romance team plan your proposal then please get in touch and we will do everything we can to help.